Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Check out these statistics compiled by Larkin Coaching.

70% of people in North America live paycheck to paycheck.
- The Wall Street Journal

17% of Americans do not have enough savings to cover 1 week without a paycheck. 55% could not live for 3 months or less without a paycheck. - USA Today

Over 62% of Americans retire on annual incomes of below $10,000
- The US Census Bureau

The typical bankruptcy was not a homeless guy living on the street or a high rolling real estate salesman, but a "well-educated, middle class baby boomer with big time credit card debt." - The Wall Street Journal

Most marriages that fail list financial problems as a contributing factor, if not the main reason for the failure. - Dave Ramsey

It takes the average millionaire 17-18 years to become one. Most are first generation and started with little or nothing. - Dr. Thom Stanley

Read the full "Financial Facts" pdf here.

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